Minggu, 03 April 2011


The Sims 3 Photography Guide

Getting the Most Money out of Your Sim's Photos

This guide was authored by Carl with significant help from RCHaynes from our forum. Thanks Robin!
The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: The Pyramids in Al Simhara Egypt are an excellent photography subject
Photography is a new skill introduced in The Sims 3 World Adventures expansion pack. While Photography's not a good way to make money early on in the game, it can provide a nice steady income later. With this skill, you'll direct your Sim to photograph landmarks, Sims doing different things, and objects in the game. It's certainly not the best skill in the Sims 3's World Adventures, but it's very accessible to any Sim in any profession. Children can even learn to take photographs.
Learning the Photography Skill
There are two avenues for learning the skill. First and foremost, taking pictures. Head to one of the new locations in World Adventures and buy a camera from the general store there. While all three destinations sell the cheapie, Al Simhara, Egypt is the "home" of photography. They offer two additional, more expensive cameras (more on that later). Also at the Al Simhara book store, you'll find a skill book to raise photography to up to level 3.
I actually recommend using the skill book for this one. Read it until level 3 then chuck it. Taking poor quality, small photographs can actually run you at a loss due to the base cost of a photo. Using the skill book will get you closer to level 5, where photographers tend to stop making errors when taking pictures. Additionally, you'll unlock new camera modes on the more expensive cameras which helps to increase income.
The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: The general goods vendor in Al Simhara, Egypt where you can buy the best cameras in the game.
Note that you can't keep photographing the same subject and expect to gain skill. After two pictures it's time to move on. This resets after a day, and you can get decent money and skill gains from the 'New Today' photos you take. After that, it's bunk and you should find something else to photograph.
How Photography Works in the Sims 3
Press Shift+C with a camera in your Sim's inventory to take a picture. You can click the camera to do this as well, but it's not recommended. As your Sim takes pictures, they'll work toward filling photo collections. Some photos are more valuable than others, but in general as you approach the more rare shots the price multiplies. The first time your Sim snaps a particular photo, that picture will be worth more money. That's why I recommended actually using the skill book -- photography skill and higher quality cameras and camera modes will result in higher first-time prices for these pictures.
You will run at a loss if you photograph the same thing twice in a day. After midnight, you can start snapping pictures of the same old stuff and earn a little profit. The real money is to be made by going out and seeking the more rare shots. Travel photos of landmarks and dungeon objects tend to be worth more. I recommend you develop the skill some before you do this, that way you'll get the most cash for your time.
Pointers for Early Level shots
I recommend you work your way around Sunset Valley or Riverview at first when working on photography. You can pause the game through the camera interface to ensure your Sim doesn't miss the shot. This is helpful for things like cars and Sims in action where you could miss the shot with the game time clock running. Save the really good photos for later to get maximum profit. Take photos of strangers to work on the Paparazzi challenge. This will also count toward how many unique Sims you've photographed. Look for objects like plants, different types of household items, and other types of objects detailed below. While it takes a certain level to "unlock" a photo collection, you can get it revealed early by taking only one photo out of that particular collection.
The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: The Hikon QX40di Gladiator, the best camera in the game.Cameras
There are three cameras in the Sims 3, all purchasable from Al Simhara's general goods vendor. Using a higher value camera will result in faster skill gains. I recommend you start with the best camera you can, because boosting skills faster and taking higher value photos earlier will help you to get the most out of photography. The better cameras' photos are more likely to earn profit because they seem to multiply value despite a higher operating cost. So, if you find you're always losing money even when taking decent shots, blame your camera.
Clicking a camera in your inventory will bring up a menu where you can choose to sell your photos. Using erase all photos doesn't seem to be a useful thing to do, because you will just lose all the potential profit or loss recovery you'd achieve by selling. It doesn't make a second photo you snap revert to the first time for that day, so if you flub up a shot by taking a low quality photo on accident this won't rescue you.
The other option for clicking a camera is the settings menu, where you can set the default size and photo filter. Later you'll want to set this to vignette panoramas. Keep it set at the best photo size you have available to ensure you don't accidentally take lower value photos. The worst camera can only default its color filter.
Lastly, you can browse your photos and use them as wall decorations. Panoramas are huge. Take them home and decorate the room with photographs of your travels as well as artifacts and relics you've found along the way.
  • Snaptastic Flimsy-Cam ($250) - This horrible camera takes only small size photos and delivers the lowest quality shots. It is however cheapest to operate. Later you can use it to take panoramas but it's a waste to use up valuable first time shots with this camera. Stick with the Hikon for panoramas and large portraits. The price is almost the same if you take a panorama with this camera but the price modifier is base line so you'll often take a bigger loss when photographing the same thing.
  • ChannonTek Outlaw SE($850) - This camera can take small photos and medium landscapes. It's the middle of the road camera and good for first time photographers. You'll actually take less of a loss operating this camera
  • Hikon QX40di Gladiator($3250) - When I start photography over, this will be my camera of choice. It's worth saving up for as the more valuable photos will help to make up for the cost of the purchase price. It takes the absolute best shots and can do all sizes. Using this advanced tech camera will also serve to raise photography the fastest of all. Because of the high value photos, you can make money taking decently priced shots again and again, although probably at the most around $50 a shot. It's better to keep seeking new subjects.
Camera Photo Modes
Since there are so many photo modes to test, and different combinations available, making solid recommendations isn't that simple. However, it does seem to boil down to panorama shots with the classic vignette filter taking the absolute best photos. Use it for all first time shots when the abilities are available. In general, the more advanced the photo filter, and larger the photo size, the more money you'll make.
    Photo Sizes
  • Small Portrait - Default at Photography level 1 - This is your basic getting started photo size. It's the lowest grade photo available, with pictures coming in over 2x lower value than a panorama shot. Move on to better sizes as soon as you can.
  • Medium Landscape - A bump in price that comes early on in photography. Best taken with the ChannonTek Outlaw SE or above.
  • Large Portrait - Again, use the best available, panorama, but if this your best option use it.
  • Panorama - Finally some serious cash can start coming in once you're able to take classic vignette shots with this photo size. Your Sim won't be able to do this until level 10. Sims with this size option will finally be able to make serious cash and vacations can pay for themselves as you take new shots during your Sim's adventures.
  • Photo Filters
  • Color - Default. The lowest value type of photograph.
  • Black and White - Unlocked by level 2, you can use this to replace color and make some extra cash for your photos.
  • Sepiatone - At level 4 you can begin taking photos in the sepiatone filter. Again, move up to this new option for all your photographs
  • Classic Vignette - This photo filter is available at level 9 and will be the best option for use in your panorama shots. Use it often and make it the default on your camera.
The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: The Terracotta Army in Shang Simla, China
The Sims 3's Photography Challenges
It's unclear what each of the challenges do, but it seems likely they boost the value of shots in certain categories. Some of these are a bit more ambiguous, such as Paparazzi and Shutternut. When we learn more about these challenges this section will be updated. World Adventures is still new and there's a lot to learn!
  • Photolog - Capture 75 different subjects. This one shouldn't be too difficult with the list we have compiled below. Look for photos you've never taken and pursue them.
  • Architectural Eye - Capture 10 unique landmarks. This seems to be a catchall for buildings. While the subjects fall into different categories, places in town such as the bistro and school will count, while the Sphinx and dragon cave also count. I noticed a nice increase in photo value for all new buildings once I achieved this challenge.
  • Human Form Expert - Take shots of 50 unique Sims. Photos of two's company or three's a crowd seem to count toward this. This should help with photograph prices for Sim-related photos across the board. Sims in action, Sims around town and unique types of Sims such as firefighters will likely see a price boost.
  • Paparazzi - You must not know the Sim you're photographing to work toward this challenge. Locals in the travel destinations in world adventures are good candidates, along with those around your Sim's home town.
  • Shutter Nut - Complete 5 photo collections to complete this challenge. Afterward, it will make all future photos free (increasing profit from each shot).
If you complete these challenges, join us at the Sims 3 Forum to post your theories on exactly what they do for your Sim. Perhaps a patch will improve the photography skill journal in the future and give us a hint.
The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: A screenshot of a Mummy
Photo Collections Sims Can Complete
There's a lot of data here. Its purpose is to help you unlock the photo categories easier. Some photos in a collection are inevitably low value, but the first time shots will earn plenty of money to ensure you aren't running at a loss. Be sure to bring the best camera when you're going for rare shots of doubly dead, travel destinations and other odd shots.
Note that there is no bonus money made from completing a collection, and you can feel free to sell photos before you've collected them all.

Still Life

Nectar & FoodFlowers
CouchVideo Game System
Box of TissueGarden Decorations
This is one of the easiest collections to complete. Most of the subjects here can be found around Sunset Valley.

Family & Friends

My SpouseFamily Member
3 of my FriendsHousemate
Ghostly FamilyMy Main Squeeze
My ChildMy Friend
Two of my Friends
Getting a picture of a ghost family member, love interest and child could be the hardest for solo Sims. This collection encourages you to have a family, that or WooHoo with strangers and visit the baby.

Everyday Moments

Child Being CarriedA Sim Gardening
Lovers at NightSim using a Computer
Pizza DeliverySomeone Painting
Police OfficerChessmatch
Mail CarrierRemedy for a Hot Day
FirefighterTwo's Company
Political DemonstrationMaid at Work
A Sim in the Area4 Sims Eating
A Group of SimsA Sim Fishing
Kid playing with ToyboxPhoto of Photographer
Repairman on the JobThree's a Crowd
Kid playing with Oven
A large collection that's not as easy to complete because of all the various actions you need to catch Sims involved in. Keep a sharp eye for Sims doing things involved in this list and whip out the camera.

Home Sweet Home

FurnitureBaby Stuff
Gadgets GaloreKitchen Kitsch
A Nice GardenToys & Hobbies
Cute Teddy BearBathroom Stuff
Home DécorSomething Yummy
A toiletOutdoor Stuff
Another easy collection to complete because the stuff is found all over town. I don't recommend buying the stuff just to get a picture because it will result in lost money.

Around Town

A PartyThe Gym
The BistroGrocery Store
The ParkThe Spa
CarPolice Car
Places in TownDiner
Easy, easy collection to pursue. See what you're missing and snag those last shots.

The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: The Soulpeace Statue within the Egyptian Great Sphinx


A PyramidPushable Statue
Shower in a CanSnake Charmer
Pile of Ancient CoinsRelic
Pile of RubbleLovers in France
Floor TrapSarcophagus
The Great SphinxLovers in Egypt
Lovers in ChinaSoulpeace Statue
Treasure ChestAbu Simbel
Giant BoulderTorch of Anubis
Floor SwitchDragon Cave
It'll be vital to bring a camera while inside tombs to complete this collection. The soulpeace statue is found within the Sphinx, which seems only accessible if you're cursed by the mummy or able to use tranquil transference or Zeneport from martial arts.

Oh, the Calamity!

One Sick SimSoaked to the Bone
A Social WorkerA Fight
Slap FightsThe Repoman
A TheifA Singed Sim
A tough one in some aspects. You could get the social worker by attempting to adopt a baby then cancelling the process.


Luminorous GemMercury Vial
Pink DiamondChina Statue Set
White DiamondCanopic Jar Set
GoldMagic Gnome
TiberiumEgyptian Statue Set
QuartzSpace Rock
Rainbow GemDangerous Creatures Statue Set
TopazDropa Stone Set

Snag photos of these gems and metals you find to work on this one, before you sell them. Dropping them on the ground seems to work just fine. They'll be easier to capture if you can place them far from other potential subjects.

Architectural & Buildings Collection

General HospitalChinese Garden
BookstoreSports Stadium
City HallAcademy
The MarketFrench Market
Town Theatre
Again, look for the destinations in your skill journal that you haven't yet covered and head there.

Doubly Dead Sims 3 World Adventures - Paranormal Threesome

Paranormal Collection

Mummy Having a SnackMy Dead Spouse
A Ghostly ProblemSimply Death
A MummyA Serious Ghost Problem
A GhostWondering Ghost
My Dead EnemyToo Many Ghosts
Doubly DeadIt's Haunted
Death on Vacation
A tough category to be sure. Doubly dead will be hard, and getting Death on Vaction may be challenging as well. Be ready to whip out that camera when a Sim dies in a foreign location. Doubly dead requires a shot of a ghost mummy, a tough find. You'll need to get control of a mummy using a sarcophagus of kings and an offering with the canopic jar collection and wait or inspire the mummy to die. Good luck with that one. Share a shot at out our forum.

Best in Class Collection

A Money TreeExpensive Stereo
SupercopNectar Rack
OmniplantLuxury car
A Top ChefChief Lifesaver
Military BigwigDiplomat Extraordinaire
Master CriminalFancy Tent
These can be hard. Look for luxury cars parked in town at other Sims' homes. You may need to grow some of these to effectively catch them. Look for Sims leaving work destinations in uniform to try to get the rest. An omni-plant shot should be possible outside the science facility.

Plants & Flowers Collection

Apple TreeFlame Plant
Cherimola Blan Grape VineLife Plant
Renoit Grape VineBell Pepper Plant
Onion PlantPotato Plant
Lettuce PlantHydrangea
Cranerlet Nuala Grape VineWhite Rose
Tomato PlantRed Rose
Plum treeGarlic Plant
Pomegranate TreeDeath Flower
Meloire Grape VineSunflower
Averlino Grape VineGralladina Grape Vine
Watermelon Plant
So many plants to take photos of. It shouldn't be too hard. Find most of them in gardens around town and the travel locations. See my Plant List for World Adventures fruits. You'll likely need to do a little searching if you don't have a garden of your own. If your Sim is adept at Gardening, you can just grow your subjects. Single out plant types in yourgarden layout to make capturing them easier.

The Sims 3 World Adventures Photography: Watch for Sims in Action to get shots of them doing things like breaking boards.

Sims in Motion Collection

Honing Body and MindGet a Room!
Refreshing SwimPleading to Sphinx
Sims DancingRunning
Making NectarSim Making the Bed
Playing CatchGreat Tunes
Pushing StatueDumpster Diving
Sims SparringSolo Dancer
Board BreakerFighting Flab
You'll really need to keep a sharp eye for Sims doing any of these actions as you go along. Dumpster diving seems tough. Like many of the others that involve other Sims, it might be easiest if you have a Sim under your control. In the previous example, a Journalist Sim could help you get this shot.

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