Sabtu, 02 April 2011


The Sims 3 China World Adventures Guide

Adventures, Tombs, Shops, and Relics in Shang Simla

China Panorama
Shang Simla, China is a great place for Simmers to start traveling the world with the Sims 3 World Adventures expansion pack. It's the home of Martial Arts, features a great skill-boosting incense holder Sims can buy, and an artifact can be purchased that will give your Sim a boost in all ancient coins gained. From my experiences it has had the easiest dungeons of all the locations, save a couple of the more trap-laden tombs here. It's a great place to start, and one of its adventures will send your Sim to France where they can begin earning VISA points there while tracking down all the relics for China.

China's Contributions to The Sims 3 World Adventures

The Sims 3 World Adventures Shang Simla, China: Market
Chinese Shops
  • Bookstore: Sells a variety of region-specific novels. Additionally, the New China Cooking recipes for egg rolls and stir fry are sold here. There's also bait books for koi fishermen and a Martial Arts skill book. 

  • General Goods: Sells the Chinese incense holder which will increase your Sim's skill gains while they're in a room with it lit. Additionally, the Martial Arts training dummies and block breakers can be bought here. Of course there's the usual dried food, tents, shower in the can and other items. Note that this store is up one level from the others which can make it hard to spot. Push page up if you're having trouble seeing it.

  • Food Vendor: Sells plums and pomelos for use in CookingGardening or Nectar Making. You can also find stir fry and egg roll dishes for sale at the appropriate meal times.

  • Relic Vendor: Visit this place often for help filling out your Sim's relic collections. Sometimes you can find very valuable artifacts here, but keep in mind that you can find them out in the world free of charge.
    Special Shop
    Marked in red on your map will be a special vendor (often at the Martial Arts academy) who will sell items that require ancient coins and a set VISA level. The following items are sold in China:
    Item NameAncient CoinsVisa LevelWhat it Does
    Pemmican101Better than dried food and gives a +moodletwhen eaten.
    Potion of Liquid Courage401Cures the fear moodlet, potentially saving your Sim some time. Great after a mummy encounter.
    Sands of Understanding1001Helps you get through tombs by highlighting triggers in the current room. I've never relied on these, as they're a bit expensive. You may carry some around just in case you get really stuck but your results may not be as you'd expect...
    Skeleton Keystone4002Unlocks "shape" doors, such as stars and crescents.
    Escape Dust752Stuck? In a hurry? This will teleport you to your current home (such as base camp)
    Master Thief's Coin7502Your Sim will find more Ancient coins than normal. A useful purchase if you can get it early enough for it to make a big difference.
    Sultan's Tabernacle25003Luxurious slumber on the road - a must have!
    Certificate of Partnership with China12003+3 free days on any trip to China
    Martial Arts
    China features several adventures that rely on the new skill it introduces to the game,Martial Arts. Follow the link to learn more about this skill. Pursuing mastery of Martial Arts is recommended for any Sim who is going to adventure a lot.
    China brings a lot of new stuff for collecting. There are new red assassin bugsBamboo Straight Swift Butterflies and Yellow Band Dart ButterfliesJade and Lapis Lazuli and other gems, and mercury and platinum metals. To help you in your collecting efforts, I've provided a set of World Adventures Collecting Maps.

    Notable Adventures to Do in China

    First note I have a growing list of World Adventures Tips. There are of course dozens of Adventures in Shang Simla, but I want to highlight some of the ones you just don't want to miss. I won't go into all the minute details of the various steps in these adventure chains, but tell you what ones to take as soon as you see them available:
    Seeking Adventure
    The first chain you can do. If you want to be able to smash boulders later, you'll need to do this and a couple others to allow you to pick up. I had no luck getting this adventure to appear from the board when I was repeatedly canceling them until I had completed the Tomb of Discovery. It seems you always start with the same five, but since you'll get visa points from any of those ultra-easy adventures, knock them out and don't look back. This also allows access to Halls of the Lost Army.
    Constructing the Dragon Emperor Mini
    A good one to eliminate early, as it offers fast and easy VISA points. The final quest in the line here will send your Sim looking for Red Assassin Bugs, which are very high value. You can spend a little time having your Sim gather extra bugs before you turn in the adventure and make thousands of Simoleons. This can go a long way toward funding future adventures.
    Potent Signs of Potential
    This adventure chain is very good for any Sim who is going to learn Martial Arts. Other Sims will need to do it to access the Resolute Fist Retreat for the Symbol there. When you get to the step in the chain where your Sim must spar, try to spar with the target Sim a few more times. Later, you'll need to meditate for a few hours at the Scholar's Garden and that requires level 5 martial arts to accomplish. If you want to save time, pick this one up before your Sim's vacation is over and pursue the Martial Arts levels while they're at home in between adventures.
    Confounded Boulder!
    This adventure chain leads to your Sim getting Pangu's Axe. Follow the link for more information on this object and earning it. This sequence of quests is very important in that it will allow your Sim to clear boulders in tombs all over the travel destinations in World Adventures. For those interested in the China tombs relic collection, it also leads to the Symbol of the Hot Springs Cave.
    A Curious Note
    This line unlocks Dong Huo's Treasure Trove under the Shang Simla Market. It also leads to the Market Caverns where you'll find the keystone. Both of these tombs have a Symbol associated, and there are some nice items to be found. This is also a rather short chain and provides great VISA points to push your Sim toward level 3.
    Assisting an Elder
    This short adventure chain will lead to your Sim being able to fully explore the area under the Terracotta Army, known as the Tomb of the First Emperor. Again, good for completing the Chinese Tombs collection because it leads to a Symbol of the Tomb of the First Emperor.
    Knowledge of the Past
    This adventure starts a very long chain that leads your Sim to France and eventually Chateau du Landgraab. Upon returning from France with the keystone to enter the Dragon's Maw (aka Temple of the Dragon), your Sim must reach level 10 of Martial Arts, break a space rock block and win a ranked sparring match to then take on Dong Huo. This one can be very long. Thankfully you will have enough time in France to complete the section of Chateau du Landgraab. Get inside the area and head to the Landgraab Cellar key door, which is oddly enough found in the tower accessible from the ground floor. There aren't any hard puzzles once inside the cellar area, but keep an eye out for hidden doors. Clearing this area will lead your Sim to a back exit and a great nectar cellar area where you can collect every type of grape. It's worth grabbing them if your Sim is a gardener or nectar maker. Along the way, keep an eye out for the Signet of Chateau du Landgraab, part of the French tombs collection.
    Note that as of the time of this writing my Sim did not need to become Grand Master as the adventure's text implied, rather he won a single sparring match. This could be bugged.

    Shang Simla, China Relic Collections

    A selection of Chinese relics from Shang Simla, China in the Sims 3 World Adventures. Includes Chinese Vases, Zodiac Animals and Chinese Tomb Symbols
    Chinese Tombs Symbol Collection
    Symbol of Dong Huo's Treasure TroveSymbol of the Annex of the Resolute FistSymbol of the Halls of the Lost Army
    Symbol of the Hot Springs CaveSymbol of the Market CavernsSymbol of the Resolute Fist Retreat
    Symbol of the Temple of the DragonSymbol of the Tomb of the First EmperorSymbol of Pangu's Haven

    Chinese Vases Collection
    Vase of AminVase of BarookaVase of the Dragon
    Vase of the EmpressVase of LifeVase of Maroof
    Vase of NebuVase of Nosylla

    Zodiac Animals Collection
    Green DragonSnake of SimharaWandering Tiger of Baroo

    China makes the following additional contributions to the two international relic collections:
    Fu-Dog: Dangerous Creatures
    Dropa Stone of the Vortex and Dropa Stone of the Sky

    Tombs to Explore in Shang Simla, China

    The Sims 3 World Adventures Shang Simla, China: Dong Huo's Treasure Trove at the Marketplace
    Dong Huo's Treasure Trove
    Only accessible during the 'A Curious Note' adventure line after exploring the Market Caverns and finding Dong Huo's Keystone, the Treasure Trove is appropriately heavy on the goodies. I found a total of three vases from the Chinese Vases collection, a Dropa Stone, along with a Symbol of Dong Huo's Treasure Trove behind a hidden door after pushing the red statue down a hallway. To get through this place you'll need four keystones that are scattered around the tomb. Upon finding all four, head to the final treasure room. Look for the switch behind the throne for an alternate exit.
    The Sims 3 World Adventures Shang Simla, China: The Dragon's Maw Entrance
    The Dragon's Maw
    This tomb is only partially explorable without doing adventures. In order to explore it fully, you'll need the Keystone of the Dragon, which is acquired through a rather long quest chain that inolves a trip to France. See the Notable China Adventures section for 'Knowledge of the Past' to learn more. This place is the tomb of Dong Huo and his mummy resides at its lowest level. There are many hidden doors in this place concealing multiple nice treasures. Stumbling across the Symbol of the Temple of the Dragon should be no trouble at all.
    Halls of the Lost Army
    This tomb is only accessible if you accept the first pair of adventures, starting with 'Seeking Adventure', as they provide the required Keystone of the Neophyte. You'll want to do this as it's the only way to get the Symbol of the Halls of the Lost Army, a part of the Chinese Tombs collection. The symbol is easily found at the end of the tomb.
    Hot Springs Cave
    At the top of the hot springs area, there's a boulder which can be smashed allowing access to a dive well. You're sent here after obtaining Pangu's Axe. In the final treasure chest, your Sim will receive the Symbol of the Hot Springs Cave. The puzzles here shouldn't give you too much trouble, and the tomb is rather small.
    The Sims 3 World Adventures Shang Simla, China: The entrance behind the Marketplace leading to the Market Caverns
    Market Caverns
    You can explore this tomb any time, but the Dong Huo keystone will only be present if you are currently pursing the 'A Curious Note' adventure line. Access the Market Caverns by using the hole switch behind the market proper. You'll likely find a couple of relics for your collections in here. Look to the final treasure room, past the keystone door, for a hidden room. Inside you'll find the Chinese Symbol of the Market Caverns.
    Resolute Fist Retreat
    Explorable during the Potent Signs of Potential adventure chain. Your Sim will need to learn Martial Arts to enter this place. If you want to complete the relic collections, you'll have to do this. Thankfully Zeneport and Tranquil Transference come in handy during tomb raiding so it's not a waste of your Sim's time at all. There are numerous artifacts to be found here, the only unique one being the Symbol of the Resolute Fist Retreat, which is found after the flame hallway in a hidden room near the final treasure chamber. You may need to do some backtracking to get there as there are multiple paths that lead to the last room. But then, you should usually be trying to clear tombs of all treasure anyway, right?
    The Sims 3 World Adventures Shang Simla, China: The Temple of Heaven
    Temple of Heaven
    The entrance to the Temple of Heaven is through one of the two small buildings in the complex. The first area you'll be able to access is unlocked through the Confounded Boulder! adventure line which leads to the Keystone of Pangu. This section is home to Pangu's Axe, and should be something you try to unlock early so that your Sim gains full benefit of ownership of the Axe. The Symbol of Pangu's Haven can be found through a hidden door near the stairwell with a table and candles blocking your Sim's progress. Look around in that area with the walls up to find the section of wall you can inspect.
    The second part is unlocked by starting the 'In the Aid of Monks' adventure chain. You'll be able to explore a little further using the Temple of Heaven Keystone, but will need to fashion yet another keystone to make it all the way to the end. The final treasure room here holds a couple of relics for your collection and a Symbol of the Annex of the Resolute Fist.
    The Sims 3 World Adventures Shang Simla, China: The Terra Cotta Army
    Terracotta Army - Tomb of the First Emperor
    Access this area by accepting the Assisting an Elder adventure. In case you overlook it, the entrance is actually at the bottom of the hill, through a staircase. Inside, there are mummies so having some mummy snacks or Martial Arts skill will help to prevent getting cursed. The key to the Innermost Chambers is found after the room with many traps and a pushable statue. Try to move the statue to the middle switch along the far wall in order to unlock the stairwell there. In the final treasure room, you'll find the Symbol of the Tomb of the First Emperor along with the Dragon Spear your Sim seeks.
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