Sabtu, 02 April 2011


A Summary List of New Features, Objects, and Sim Life from the Expansion

Late Night's Bridgeport, awake and ready for the Night Life. Party Time!
Late Night's new city, Bridgeport, at night from the Overlook.

The Sims 3 Late Night was a highly anticipated expansion by Simmers who love watching Sims get down, socialize, and party. In this Guide to Late Night, I'll provide a list of new objects and gameplay features. Nothing in-depth, rather information that will help you to be sure you're experiencing everything the game has to offer. It may even help you decide whether The Sims 3 Late Night is an expansion you'll enjoy. Lastly, this guide will serve as a gateway to find other information exclusive to this expansion.
A New Life in the City: Bridgeport
The new city in The Sims 3 is Bridgeport. Simmers who wanted an apartment life now have it, and there's sparsely available land on which to build a traditional home. Instead, we're presented with high-rise apartment buildings. Parking space is also limited, and Sims may now use mass transit in the form of a subway system to get around.
With the city, comes city life. Bridgeport's denizens and underbelly make Sunset Valley townies seem ultra-conservative. Woohoo can now be undertaken in hot tubs and elevators. Sims are more likely to head to a bar, lounge, or dance club than the park for their weekend kicks. As you'd expect, the full breadth of these features can't really be enjoyed in a town. Late Night is about club hopping and trying to find the hottest party atmosphere around.
Dancing on the Rooftop of Aquarius in The Sims 3 Late Night
Dancing on the Rooftop of Aquarius
Party Time!
Late Night's biggest feature in a nutshell is its Night Life. Bridgeport is filled with places to hang out and party. Dance Clubs, Lounges, and Bars dot the city, inviting Sims' money and beckoning them to let loose. A slew of new social interactions both on the fun and romantic sides now present themselves to allow Sims to show us just how much they're enjoying the night life.
Celebrities can be spotted in clubs, and can be wooed for your Sims to be allowed to share their company. Player-controlled Sims can even climb the ladder of fame. Celebrity Sims get occasional gifts, even some exclusive objects, on a regular basis. They can hang with celebrities and move their way up the social ladder. Paparazzi will photograph celebs. The entire scene makes Late Night feel like it's placed in the Thirty Mile Zone.
A Vampire's Ghost in The Sims 3 Late Night. Don't let your Vampire die of thirst!
Just a little drink and he could've been fine. Now he's a Vampire ghost. And yes, she did get pregnant.
Vampires visit the upper class establishments, a long-lived romantic predator that feeds on Sims' plasma. This is a fun new feature for the game and will likely be the most popular alternative Life State brought with a Sims 3 expansion pack. They come with a long list of features, and few drawbacks. The vampire is truly a new way to experience the game.
New Fashions can be seen everywhere. Sims on the scene dress hot, and some might even say a little trashy. Miniskirts and other things mom wouldn't want you to wear in public are not in short supply in Late Night. There's plenty to choose from for your Sim's night out, but you're going to see plenty of skin when hitting up the clubs. Think rock, pop star, diva, raver, groupie and you've nailed the new clothing.
Muscle Definition in Create a Sim
Muscle Definition in Create-a-Sim
New Body Types are available in Create-a-Sim thanks to the patch launched the same day as Late Night. Muscles can now be given more definition, which changes the way muscular Sims appear to quite some degree. They can get some six-pack abs this way. And of course the breast slider, which allows modification of female Sims' breast sizes. This gives a lot more diversity to the way Sims can look, but most of the ladies in Bridgeport appear to have already had cosmetic surgery.
New Skills: Mixology (Bartending), and More Music!
Sims need drinks when they're out on the town, and the Mixologist provides them. Your Sim can take up the drink mixing trade and make some killer new creations that provide different special bonuses, and can really bring a party to life. This is also a great way to make friends, even with Celebrities. Make an awesome new drink concoction and name it after a star. That'll get their attention.
Of course you're not limited to serving the celebrities to get into their good graces. The Bass, Drums, and Piano skills are out and the instruments can be played like the guitar to wow other Sims and make Simoleons. Sims can now form a band, play gigs, and have jam sessions.
Hot Tub from Late Night
A beautiful, relaxing Hot Tub. Just the thing a Sim needs after a hard week.
New Stuff: Objects Galore!
Late Night gives us tons of new décor, furniture and interactive objects all with a party feel. Neon lights, black lights, and strobes all add to the atmosphere. The furniture gives off a relaxed vibe that fits perfect in a party animal's penthouse.
Bubbles! From the Bubble Bar, of course!
A Bubble Bar. Your Sim can even get better at this!
But not everything is cosmetic. There are hot tubs, bubble bars, arcade machines, shuffleboard tables, dartboards, and effects machines that give Sims a ton of new ways to play when they're not at the bar or shaking it on the dance floor. If you wanted new stuff, you've got it. It's a feature that really stands out. There are new objects in most categories.
New Traits are in short supply. The only new offerings are Shy and Star Quality. Shy Sims prefer to only be around friends. Sims with that special Star Quality will succeed more when trying to talk to celebrities, and find themselves more likely to gain fame. Since a Sim's celebrity rating is so important in Late Night, this is going to be a trait that's very often picked. Especially since the Patch that comes with Late Night eliminates the necessity to select certain traits to spawn a Lifetime Wish selection. We still get five random LTWs when the trait selection phase of Create-a-Sim is over, but a sixth option presents itself – allowing the selection of any LTW.
New Moodlets are all over the place. Mixed Drinks naturally give moodlets, much as nectar did. Sims may feel creeped out by a nearby vampire wishing for a snack. New social interactions bring happiness and embarrassment to Sims, and celebrities feel the delights and occasional crushing burden of fame trying to lead everyday lives in the public eye.
New Lifetime Rewards are always welcome to Simmers. It's fun to save up those points to give a Sim a powerful new ability or bonus. Late Night does not disappoint in this category. All are centered on socializing or living the party lifestyle. Simple rewards like discounts at clubs, and better odds of winning pub games may not be very tempting to some Simmers. However, powerful LTRs like always being on the list at lounges, finding the home of every celebrity to be a world class stalker, or always succeeding as a seducer can really improve the gaming experience.
A Sim playing a Grand Piano in Late Night
A striking grand piano. Its beauty adds to the Environment score.
Lifetime Wishes come in a variety of flavors. There are two career oriented ones to choose for the Film Career Track: Distinguished Director and Superstar Actor, both to climb to the top of their respected career branches. One Sim band sets Sims on a mission to master all four available instruments (the three new ones, plus guitar). Master Mixologists want to own a bar and master Mixology, and Sims looking for the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous want $100,000 Simoleons and top-notch fame.
Perhaps the most interesting of the new choices shines a huge spotlight on the WooHoo interaction. The Master Romancer Lifetime Wish brings out the playboy side of Sims, sending them on a quest to WooHoo with five different Sims in five different places.
Last, but not least.. with all the other changes, there are of course minor tweaks to other areas of the game. Some of the new objects can be upgraded, and there are a few more fish to catch in Bridgeport. Vampires can eat plasma fruit to satisfy their thirst. Sims can also be given an astrological sign, which doesn't do much but can be another way to make a friend if your Sim's sign is compatible with others.
The Sims 3 Late Night is an excellent expansion to the already fun game. It provides plenty of different gameplay, and Bridgeport is the first city or town added to the game that feels quite different from the others. Living in an apartment, using the subway to get around, and partying with Sims in the night clubs are all welcome additions to the formula. While the skills sort of fell flat in this expansion, it added a lot more variety to the recreation of Sims. I hope this guide has informed you of new things you can do, or helped you make a decision on whether to own this expansion or not.

Late Night Problems & How to Solve Them

There is no Mixologist on Duty!
If one of the night clubs in Late Night loses their mixologist, you can fix it. Open the cheat console with Control + Shift + C, type testingcheatsenabled true, then shift-click the bar. Select delete object, then shift-click the floor and select buy on this lot. Head to the dining room tab, and select bars. Replace the bar with one of the two professional bars. A Mixologist should arrive soon to fill the position.
How Do You Fix a Stuck Elevator
Sometimes Elevators in the High-rise buildings in Bridgeport can get stuck. When this happens, Sims can get stuck inside a building, and may even stand there until they die because they're trying to leave.
The first thing you can do is turn on testingcheatsenabled true through the cheat console (Ctrl + Shift + C). Type resetsim (firstname) (lastname) and it will send the stuck Sims home. The elevator may begin working again. The next step is more involved.
If resetting the Sims stuck waiting on the elevator doesn't work, you'll need to replace the elevator. Be sure testingcheats are on, then use the cheat console and enter the commands: buydebug and RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings off. Now head to buy mode and go to the ? icon in sort by type. From there, find the elevators, select the broken elevator, delete it, and replace it with a new one. Be sure you make the new elevator face the same way as the old one. This is the only known fix for the stuck elevator problem that came with Late Night.

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